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Pi Sigma Chi – Sigma Nu

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Click on the large button below to go to an independent website to by Sigma Nu gear online--


Online Store Option No Longer Exists, But 4 Remaining Options – Demand for Pi Sigma Chi and Pi Sigma Chi-Sigma Nu merchandise has not justified having an online store, like we did in 2023, or ordering a large number of items and keeping them in stock.  Bros who wanted items when the store was last open, got them. Several got new RJs, and some bros got T's, caps and hoodies. However, our numbers are dwindling, the logistics and economics of opening a store with a wide range of gear is prohibitive and the ongoing need/demand is minimal.

1Shirts in Stock 
We have a few t-shirts in stock, some at reduced price.  Click on the item, check size, place it in your cart, click on the cart below, then checkout and pay online. Price includes postage to ship these to you.  Make sure your address is current.

2Simple Greek Letters 
You can order shirts, hoodies, caps and the like with stock Greek letters from this website by clicking on the gold button below. That particular source does one-offs, no digitizing cost, so items are pretty reasonable and high quality, with a wide range of sizes.

3Special Event Shirts/Hats 
From time to time we will have special/event-related shirts, like this one by the Spring 2024 pledge class. These are gone, but there will be more, new special/event-related shirts or hats down the road.  When they are available, we will let you know. Typically you pre-order, pre-pay and we mail them to you.

4. Use Our PSC Badge Logo & Order Yourself 
If you want to order something nostalgic, using our old Pi Sig badge/shield, or other logos, like these below, we can share the digital logo with you and you can order it from any number of vendors.  There is usually a digitizing fee, making one-offs pretty expensive, but it can be done. Here are the available logos.

Pi Sigma Chi - Sigma Nu Legacy, Inc.

A 501(c)(7) California Mutual Benefit Corporation

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