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Pi Sigma Chi – Sigma Nu

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The Legacy Fund allows Brothers to make tax-deductible, charitable contributions to preserve and enhance our history and "give back" by granting scholarships to Cal Poly Pomona students who are Sigma Nu brothers or descendants of PSC-SN alumni, as well as to make grants to Cal Poly for select capital projects that preserve our history and enhance our legacy.  

In 2008, at the suggestion made by Mike Pexton (S65) at one of our luncheons, CPA Steve Yoss (S66) and attorney Ron Vera (F66) started our Legacy Fund at a local community foundation.  In 2022 we moved the fund to Sigma Nu Educational Foundation (SNEF), which better serves our objectives and allows us to share investment income on our funds.

What started small 16 years ago has grown. You have donated more than $102,000 over the years, over $15,000 just in 2022 and double that to over $30,000 in 2023. We have been building our fund while working to re-establish an active Kappa Gamma chapter at Cal Poly Pomona. We gave about $5,000 in scholarship grants to Kappa Gamma actives when they were still on campus, and about $12,000 in grants to Cal Poly as part of our effort to increase our profile and build support from the University and at Sigma Nu national for recolonization. 

Giving is even more important now.  It’s been a tough 10 years getting past Cal Poly’s suspension of the Kappa Gamma chapter in 2013, but our collective efforts have worked. Re-establishment of Kappa Gamma as a colony took place in the Spring semester of 2024. The candidates are enthusiastically and energetically working on growth of the colony and completing tasks that will lead to re-chartering as a chapter, hopefully within the next year to eighteen months.

 We have about $94,000 on hand at SNEF.  In the coming academic year, 2024-25, starting in the Fall semester, our Legacy Fund Committee has committed to recommend that SNEF grant scholarships of up to $12,000 to worthy candidates and descendants of our alumni attending Cal Poly Pomona.

Our goal is to re-establish our fraternity not just as a re-chartered Kappa Gamma, but as the "first and best fraternity ever" at Cal Poly Pomona.     

Be part of our plan to come back--better than ever--and have more Brothers and brotherhood for generations to come! You can give during our annual campaign in December, or anytime, or you can bequest money to our Legacy Fund as part of your estate planning.



  • Online: Click on the BLUE "ONLINE" button below, which will take you to the "Giving" page for our Legacy Fund at Sigma Nu Educational Foundation (SNEF); credit card donations subject to a 3% fee; no fee if using a debit card 
    • Tribute donations: Donations may be made in honor or memory of someone, including Brothers who have passed to Chapter Eternal
    • Continuing Annual Online Option:  When you give online, you have the option of making your gift "recurring," an annual, automatic, continuing contribution, and we ask you to consider that option.  We appreciate  and will recognize every gift, one-time or recurring, and give special recognition to those who make recurring gifts at the--
      • "Sustaining" ($25 or more recurring) 
      • "White Rose" ($100 or more recurring) and 
      • "Red Carnation" ($200 or more recurring) levels.
  • Check by Mail:  No fees to us if you mail a check to SNEF --click on "DONATE BY CHECK"  below, print out the SNEF form using this link: Legacy Fund CheckByMail Form 2.pdf   with the address you need and payment info they need, then mail both the form and your check (and PLEASE email us at this link so we know a check is being processed and we can track it at SNEF). 

Pi Sigma Chi - Sigma Nu Legacy, Inc.

A 501(c)(7) California Mutual Benefit Corporation

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