Pi Sigma Chi – Sigma Nu |
We can only function with your support--both participation and voluntary funding.
We raise money only once a year in our Summer campaign to pay our ongoing operating expenses for a full year: insurance, website costs, flowers or a small contribution to Brothers who have passed away, and other event and administrative costs.
We hope that--
We will gratefully acknowledge all Brothers and family or friends who are generous enough to donate at the Sustaining, White Rose and Red Carnation levels.
2 Ways to Give
Donate by credit card using the online form below. Be sure to enter the amount donated and whether your donation is "one-time" or "annual."
Or you can send a check by mail using the form you can print from this link:
PSC-SN OPERATING FUND CheckByMail Form pdf.pdf
Please Note: Charges will show up on your credit card statement as "MERCH SVS BKCRD DEP," sometimes referencing "PiSigmaChiSigmaNu LaCanadaFlintrdige CA" or an abbreviation of that.
Tax Info: Please note that donations are not tax-deductible as charitable contributions. For some people donations may be deductible as business expenses, but you should talk to your tax preparer or accountant.
IMPORTANT NOTE--USE YOUR EMAIL WE HAVE IN THE SYSTEM, NOT A NEW EMAIL-- If you want to change your email, go to your profile (little blue man at top right of each page) and change it in your profile. Otherwise, because the system recognizes each distinct email as a separate "member", we end up with duplicates, which causes database maintenance headaches and extra costs.